The land of Borinquen where I have been born. It is a florid garden of magical brilliance. A sky always clean serves as a canopy. And placid lullabies are given by the waves at her feet. When at her beaches Columbus arrived, he exclaimed full of admiration: Oh! Oh! Oh! This is the beautiful land, that I seek. It is Borinquen the daughter, the daughter of the sea and the sun. Of the sea and the sun,of the sea and the sun, of the sea and the sun, of the sea and the sun!
Translation by Samuel Quiros
just beautiful evvvyyy!!!! she looks like a real dragonfly little girl...like she was born with those wings!! what are those cool gold balls??? are they from a flower arrangement??? you know i'm loving those! love colleen
Lovely. I just love the contrast between the tree globes and the ground under the dragonfly girl's feet.
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