Monday, October 13, 2008

Visiting the 3D Doll Club

I was invited to attend the 3D doll club's October meeting the day I returned all the dolls they generously loaned to me for the Pine Bush quilt show. It was a day of show and tell, sharing and creativity. Here are some dolls that were created by the 3D members.

This doll was the result of the hanger doll challenge offered at Day of Dolls.


Colleen Colquhoun Athens said...

They are a great group of artists. Did some of the members not attend the meeting? A lot of familiar faces are gone!! I guess situations are always changing!! Glad to see you traveling about, being with many different creative people...Is'nt that what the journey is all about? colleen

Ana Balbinot said...

How cute dolls you have here! Thanks for your comment and visit at my blog. Hope you come many more times!